For an Angel


I ask of you,

In what manner have I ever presumed?

To be worthy of such blessing, such grace,

To receive envoy of this brilliant light,

This angel that you place

Here to rest upon me.

Her tender nature unburdens

the once barely beating stone in my chest,

sets my fury to calmness,

And warms my fears to rest.


My reply to your beckon, Father,

To your warm welcome,

Is yes, I am home,

With battered faith fully restored,

My amorous passions deepened,

With a promise etched profoundly

In my heart,

a heart that beats

For her with vigor, with conviction,

With belief.


Now and eternally, I thank you

For not forgetting me,

For covering my heart with this spirit

And reviving the son in me,

By placing her hand in mine

brimming with a glow in her eyes,

this gift of hope,

and redemptive touch,

for this promise of a wife.


I pledge to cherish her,

To hold her up;

And vow to protect her–

From heart to hand,

And to forever fill her cup.

This I declare to you,

And lay bare to her,

My soul, my very essence, my heart;

And present to you this, my daily offering,

In all things, loving her,

and from her to never part.


Derrick Phelps

Filmmaker, Father, Husband, Writer, Poet, Believer

Bartered Things


The Brave