Little Bits
I tend to like ridiculously long prose, epics and writings that go on and on until you are immersed in the dream. However, I like to write the shorter things as well. This is a collection of several shorter things.
The Project
This is a short novel that I published in 2014. There is a link to the actual book in its entirety at the bottom of the “Read More” section of this writing.
Kept Under Breath
Some things are best left unsaid. And sometimes, eluding to them is better, yet.
Miles Davis
Even the blackbirds seem hipper, like bee-bopping bartenders, as they glide overhead and stop mid-flight to stand and clap at the crescendo of the trumpet solo…
Poised But Ready
I picture myself a quarter-horse at dawn,
White bellows of nasal clouds,
Like steam off an engine,
In bursts and aggressive puffs that,
Signal my poised but eager state…
On The Edge Of Life
And as the unclear victor soared
with the vanquished, red tail of the other
drifting toward a lower perch, still parting
—the whistle of its wings pushing
against the humid sky
with the labor of oars against alluvian weight—
the world, but for its mighty trees
and these mad angels, vanished.
I Think Therefore I Rhyme
I once wrote an entire year of my every day journal entries in rhyme. It wasn’t difficult. So it makes me consider the possibility that this is just the way that my mind works.
They Used to Be Blank Spaces
Something about writing makes empty pages seem like guilt-tripping, ex-girlfriends.
Founding Feathers
There is always room for cynicism and satire in writing, but I find that it usually takes a certain dry sense of humor to get it without being offended. I tend to enjoy provocations whether being provoked or endeavoring to do the same to readers. I am not politically slanted in any particular direction but I do have a few opinions.
Incomplete Blackness
I believe in writing in the broken way that we speak and the interjecting style in which we think.