Lovely Larceny
You are the current that cuts me,
Like blue waters slice granite cliffs.
You subdue and then take me,
Like morning wind borrows mist.
You are the sultry day that lures the fig,
And rings the currant out.
You unwrap me to the pulpy core,
That I bond about.
You are the arrow that pierces truly,
Without warning,
Swiftly through me,
My armor but a farce,
Quick to my essence you plunge,
Flawless to your mark.
You have breached my vault,
And sheared my swath,
My coffers, you leave scant and gaunt.
You peel my husk and crack the shell,
Of the swaddling bark I don.
You are diamond tipped elegance,
That transfixes my crystal skin.
You pry my shell and split my sheath,
To evince the pearl within.
You are the plunderer of my treasury,
The filcher of my chest.
With ease you have uncrated me,
My ramparts trawled to your test.
Your ways are havoc to prudence,
They provoke the reckless in me.
You steal my every breath away,
Larcenously exquisite,
Lovely, brigandry.