Amidst The Turmoil of Waiting
As we run toward each other,
Open armed and expectant,
While we strain ourselves
In our respective, yet communal climb,
Each to cliffs that ledge over love,
And pursue each other,
To ends dreamed of,
We brave and overcome,
Challenging the sanctions that resist,
That persist in denying the now of us,
We face at risk, the of loss of moments,
The diminishing silence that stifles lust,
Delayed union, and the calm of us,
Time that we look to in perpetual bliss,
Now stands against us in delay,
In protest against our dreams of touch,
Yet, we press forward to our aim,
Loving from afar, in measured calm,
And we stand for each other,
With hearts proclaiming,
Eternal care, and endless blessings,
How brave, how faithful,
The promise of forever,
And we dare to stand firm,
To pledge, unaffected,
By pause, by wait, by pain,
We are here,
Wherever, the other is not,
Where our flesh cry’s out,
For the other’s touch,
And we are flushed,
Loin to cheek,
With desire in full blaze,
And relief far from sight,
And there within,
Lay our strength,
Amidst our fight.