Choose to Need Me
Entering this walk with you,
I once reserved myself,
Assuming my strength,
Lay in myself,
In the autonomy,
Of my steps,
In the lie of singularity,
Forged by stubborn will,
That no man needs a thing.
When I availed my soul,
To your touch,
My heart to your need,
I surrendered to you,
My staunch promise,
To stand and solely be,
With, together, united,
But in any moment, free.
Upon the dawn of my submission,
At the flash of my concede,
I laid down the will,
That sustained the lonely me,
I allowed you to complete,
The design so indisputable,
As it was holy made,
A man wholly meant to be,
Dependently reshaped.
I refuse to turn back,
And forbid myself to ponder,
Any idea that holds you,
Even fractionally away,
To a whisper’s width,
Or momentarily makes,
Bondage to this thing we have,
Less than magic,
For less than heaven’s sake.
You are swift to point to me,
The reality of human need,
To distinguish between what is,
And what is whimsically feigned,
Whether for the last bastion,
Of worldly wisdom,
Or simply self-proclaimed,
That no one need another,
To exist or mortally remain.
But my love, you need not cling,
Firmly to the notion,
Of your earthly strengths,
To the world’s admonition,
Of what would be supposed,
If you acquiesce,
To needing me,
My protection,
Or my essence as your breath.
Between us there should be,
Naught beyond,
A dire cry of need,
Helpless breathlessness,
Aches of brokenness,
In the absence of,
You from me.
Admit to me in faith,
That will never be betrayed,
Confess in your heart,
With a voice that must be raised,
You for an instant without me,
A rose without the rain.