Revealed To Me In The Night

What is it that makes a man?

Is it adversity,


Conquest or gain?

What is it that constructs a man?

Be it virility,

Toughness, or strength?


Is he defined by what leads him,

The mountains that move him,

Or times past within his past?



And none of this substantiates,

The whole of who he is.

But the resolve in his heart,

The commitment,

And dedication to his truth,


But only if the integrity of his yearning itself,

is bound to heart felt proof,

to certain conviction,

to dire, undying will,

to soul defining,

determined, relentless,

fierce, defiant,



And that truth for me,

Is my love for you,

And the power,

That it brings.


To a humble soul,

That worships you,

And is determined to release,

Any material thing,

And all carnal means,

By which a basic man,

Is sewn.


Because without your love,

And sans your warmth,

My heart serves yet one master,

To flood my basic,

Unworthy soul,

With an empty life,

Not worth living.


You are the wellspring,

Of all worthy things,

That make this life,

Worth living.


It is you, my queen,

That lends to me,

The worthy part,

Of living.

Derrick Phelps

Filmmaker, Father, Husband, Writer, Poet, Believer

Messages In The Wind


Love Notes