Woman of My Dreams
On my pillow my head clears
And gives way to tabula rasa,
Gives in to moving pictures,
In which you rein,
Stories told to my heart,
Love running through me,
Like blood coursing my veins.
And in these stories that move me,
You are the star that commands,
My deepest, unflinching attention,
Immersed in trance-like sanctity,
You, as my heart’s heroin.
I stir in my slumber to feel you,
And find solace in mindless surrender,
Half asleep, less awake, and engrossed,
Heart racing, frantically,
Beats that thunder,
Then exit tender,
Kisses that taste of forever.
Your lips visit with emphasis,
Each and every one,
Of my tattoos,
Owning them,
Claiming them,
Vowing eternal truths.
And tomorrow seems yesterday,
Forever, but a memory,
As I call upon the us,
That I dream of,
In this perfectly scripted,
Sonata of love.